[[Category:Work Log]]===Fall 2017===<onlyinclude>
[[Ben Baldazo]] [[Work Logs]] [[Ben Baldazo (Work Log) | (Work Log)]]
=contributing Projects=[[Crunchbase Data]] / [[Accelerator Seed List (Data)]] : Combined this data in a table discussed on [[Crunchbase Data#Funded by Accelerators|Crunchbase Data]] [[Houston Innovation District]] [[Augusta Startup Ecosystem]] [[Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project]] [[Houston Entrepreneurship]] [[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]] [[Houston Accelerators and Incubators (Report)]] [[Cofounding in Exchange for Equity]] [[Start-Ups of Houston (Map)]] =worklog= '''2017-11-21:''' Worked with Ed to set up all of the ground work to begin joining tables for the purpose stated in yesterday's work log. Should be able to finish it upon returning next week, but until then, notes are all held within "Z:\bulk\crunchbase\AccFunding.psql" with the important parts under the header of "From Ed on 21st of Nov. To finish on Nov 27"'''2017-11-20:''' Attempting to link 3 tables from psql crunchbasebulk to find accelerators that have invested in companies. Likely found success with the table "Acc_Funded_Cos" but the investor column is dirty, thus trying to do it cleaner with the aforementioned 3 table link*This is all noted in "Z:\bulk\crunchbase\AccFunding.psql" and the code for "Acc_Funded_Cos" is emphasized'''2017-09-25:''' Followed [[Talk:Ben Baldazo (Work Log)]] to create documentation infrastructure for [[Augusta Startup Ecosystem]]</onlyinclude> ===Spring 2017=== *4/24/2017 9:30am-11:30am *4/19/2017 2:00 - 4:00pm *4/17/2017 2:00pm - 4:00pm *4/12/2017 3:00pm - 5:30pm *4/10/2017 2:00pm - 5:30pm**Created some of the missing cohort files for the accelerator project**Created PotentialAccelerators.txt in 'E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Crunchbase Snapshot'***Used Organizations.csv from crunchbase and matched on "accel" "startup" and "mentor" asking that "accel" and at least one of the other two be included in the description of the organization *4/05/2017 2:00pm - 6:00pm**Finished code to create a percentage of VC backed marker per accelerators**Looked over duplicates from VC data matched to Cohort Data *4/03/2017 2:00pm - 4:00pm**Worked with duplicates in Matches between Accelerator Cohorts and All VC data for Accelerators project. Notated what the duplicates mean**helped teach SQL *3/29/2017 2:00pm-5:15pm**Filtered websites for Accelerator project using regex code *3/22/2017 2:00pm - 5:30pm**Began Join tables in "accelerator" database in order to find "PercentVC" amount per accelerator *3/20/2017 2:00pm - 5:40pm**Taught PSQL and went over future expectations for [[Houston Entrepreneurship]] page *3/8/2017 2:00pm-5:30pm**Ran matches between VC Data and PortCos for the Accelerator Project *3/6/2017 2:00pm-3:00pm**Cleaned data from VC Data and PortCos *3/3/2017 1:00pm-4:00pm**Refined data in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\VC_Data_Repeated_Down.txt *3/1/2017 2:00pm-5:00pm**Worked with the Accelerators project *2/27/2017 3:30-5:30**Cleaned and reuploaded data to [[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]]**Worked on editing [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief] *2/22/2017 2:00pm-5:00pm**Taught SDC and normalizer. Updated [[Normalizer Documentation]] *2/20/2017 2:00pm-5:30pm**Report on [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief]**Cleaning [[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]] *2/17/2017 3:00pm-5:00pm *2/15/2017 2:00pm-3:30pm**Report on [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief]**Graphics for this in "E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\AccRank (IB)\AccRankGraphics.xlsx" *2/13/2017 2:00pm-5:30pm**Report on [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief] *2/08/2017 2:00pm-4:00pm**Report on [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief] *2/06/2017 2:00pm-4:00pm**Report on [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief] *2/03/2017 1:00pm-5:00pm**[[1st and Future]] *2/01/2017 2:00pm-5:30pm**Report on [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1RwXuZmB6gKxgOlyoco0dTigIZ0xf185dwDgLZnVTvgY/edit?ts=58867bd0 Houston Issue Brief] ===Fall 2016=== *12/02/2016 2:00pm-4:00pm**[[Accelerator Seed List (Data)]] *11/29/2016 1:00pm-5:00pm**[[Accelerator Seed List (Data)]] *11/28/2016 2:00pm-5:00pm**[[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]] *11/22/2016 2:00pm-5:30pm**[[VC Policy Report]] *11/21/2016 3:00pm-5:45pm**[[VC Policy Report]] *11/18/2016 2:00pm-5:00pm**[[VC Policy Report]]**Began matching tables against VC funding *11/15/2016 1:00pm-5:20pm**[[VC Policy Report]]**Began putting portfolio information tables onto specific accelerator pages ex: [[TechStars]] *11/14/2016 2:00pm-5:20pm**[[Money In, Money Out]] *11/11/2016 2:00pm-5:00pm**Created tables in PSQL for Accelerator Issue Brief *11/8/2016 1:00pm-5:00pm**Filtered tables of multiples *11/7/2016 3:30pm-5:30pm**Began matching tables within PSQL to generate complete VC Data-sheets for portfolios *11/4/2016 1pm-5pm**Began importing and refining matcher data in PSQL for Accelerator Issue Brief *11/1/2016 1pm-5pm**Imported and worked tables in Houston Database for Accelerator Issue Brief *10/31/2016 2pm-3:30pm**Structured steps for PSQL tables**PSQL notes in Z:\Houston\HoustonSQLNotes.txt *10/28/2016 2pm-3:30pm**Redid IPO Pull for more information**Began psql to match tables and complete info for accelerator data *10/25/2016 1pm-5:00pm**Finished Acquisition information**Created short term plan for future of [[Houston Accelerators (issue brief)]]**Guided people to not go into wrong door for an event *10/24/2016 2pm-4:50pm**Finished IPO information**Ran into difficulty with M&A pull from SDC *10/21/2016 2pm-4:30pm**Pulled IPO information**Began running IPO numbers for [[Houston Accelerators (issue brief)]]**Power went out at 4:30 so I left *10/18/2016 1pm-3:30pm and 5:30pm-7pm**Finished VC% per accelerator for [[Houston Accelerators (issue brief)]]**Came back in the evening for McNair wide meeting *10/17/2016 2pm-5pm**Repulled portfolio lists and began updating VC % per accelerator for [[Houston Accelerators (issue brief)]] [[Time Sheet]] Late start filling out work logs during school year ===Summer 2016=== *08/01/2016**Called in to grade Organic Chem Tests (-1 hour on time sheet)**Created A timeline of first, last investments and founding date for companies in Houston**Left documentation for either future self or future owner of the [[Houston Entrepreneurship]] page *07/29/2016**Created timelines representing the Houston area in terms of entrepreneurial growth***Base files in 'E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Startup Source Files\Venture'***Charts in separate sheets in 'E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Acc Rank IB\Charts.xlsx'**Put more detail into documentation *07/2528/2016 **Went back and documented sql tables in Z:\Bulk\Houston\HoustonSQLNotes.txt**Put more detail into documenting the research process**Created tables for Accelerator Issue Brief in 'E:\McNair\Projects\Houston\Acc Rank IB\Charts.xlsx' *07/26/2016 and 07/27/2016
**Finished Acquisitions, IPO and Firm name data in [[https://docs.google.com/a/rice.edu/spreadsheets/d/1PLWEyBypWldls997BzWWhF9RwCo1JRPxNJPjwPNOhk4/edit?usp=sharing Accelerators Google Sheet]]
**Cleaned up and looked at stats of Benchmarkers vs. HTC and TMCx (which have the most data points of Houston companies)
**Started planning [[Houston Accelerators (issue brief)]]
**Next Time: Create a page on how to use [[Geocode.py]]
[[Category:Work Log]]