*re-run the match using *both* name-related fields in the startups_cl.dta file: “name” and “name_prev”.
#the latter field pulls in patents applied for under a former name of the same company
*in the output file, please include…
#include the field “entityid” that corresponds to each startup (this step is critical; else, we can’t link patents filed under alternative names of the company to the same firm); in startups_cl.dta
#all assignee-related fields in your patent data (e.g., assignee name, and any original and current uspto assignee codes listed for the patent); merge in from your patent files
Text files are in:<code>E:\McNair\Projects\Venture One Data\</code>
#<code>summarytablefinal</code>: summary on number of patents and grant year for all companies
#<code>ullyjoinedtable</code>: all patent and assignee information for entities that have patents (combining 3 and 4)
#<code>fullyjoinednow</code>: patent information under current name of the company
#<code>fullyjoinedprev</code>: patent information under previous name of the company
A new version of sql script can be cound at :<code>E:\McNair\Projects\Venture One Data\sql script.txt</code>
In summarytablefinal table: (for all entities)
Entity Name|Standard Orgname|Number of patent|
Previous Name|Previous Standard Orgname|Previous Number of Patent|
Total number of Patent|
Orinigal ID | Revised ID|
min grant year|max grant year|avg grant year|
***One company have the exactly same name for entity name and previous name(Z-KAT) and there is double counting of patent. So the total number of patent
should be 11 instead of 22.
In fullyjoinedtable: (for entities that have patent)
Including all patent and assignee variables
33 variables in total
variables start with 'asg' are assignee information, e.g. asgtype = assignee type
The rest are patent information.
In this matching process, we will join patent data to VentureOne companies and count the number of patents that affiliated to each company.
*Variables used for matching: EntityName
Original patent data is in our database: <code></code>
===Final Matched Tables===
#Summary table displaying number of patents owned, minimum grant year, maximum grant year and average grant year for each company (including the ones that own no patents). It can be found at:<code>E:\McNair\Projects\Venture One Data\venturepatentreallyfinalventuresummary.txt</code>#A table contains all patent information for the companies that have patents and can be found at <code>E:\McNair\Projects\Venture One Data\venturepatentfullyjoinedventurefullyjoined.txt</code>
===Desired Variables===
Below is the list of variables that were in the STATA file we were given:
Contains data from C:\Users\ArielSun\Downloads\allpats_3sectors_06jun13.dta