[[Shelby Bice]] [[Work Logs]] [[Shelby Bice (Work Log)|(log page)]]
2017-11-30-17 1:55 pm - 3:55 pm - continued altering code. Wrote creation tables script in SQL for creating tables for the design, reissue, and plant patents, and went through the checklist to make sure I had done everything to create these new tables based on Oliver's Reproducible Patent Data page. Will be testing definitely run code tomorrow and will type up the exact process I went through to see if it runscreate new tables.
2017-11-17 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm - continued altering code to include the special fields for plant, reissue, and design patent. Their models and the changes to XmlParser relevant to those models should be done. I will go through the rest of the code and check where else I need to make alterations next time I am in.