E&I executive orders from 1980 to 1992 focused on updating and restructuring the Small Business Administration (SBA). New programs housed under the SBA focused on subsets of small business owners, such as women, minorities, and the disabled. Other applicable executive orders also amended licensing regulations to reduce barriers to entry for new firms. Note that we did not count occupational licensing in our designation for E&I executive orders. For example, an executive order allowing hair dressers to operate without a license does not count as an E&I executive order. These executive orders did not discuss entrepreneurship, patents, venture capital, accelerators, and incubators. Thus, executive orders from this period had a more narrow focus than our general relevancy test for E&I executive orders.
Google “Council of Economic Advisers Economic Report of the President [year]” for every year back to 1980. Go to Appendix A, and see whether or not there is a innovation/entrepreneurship expert working that year. Give their name, their area of expertise, and the total number of economists working at the CEA at that time. (Don’t worry about research assistants or administrative positions) Then give the CEA a “grade” for that year. A for Entrepreneurship/Innovation, B for IO or Small Business, C for other peripheral activities, F if there are no related experts that year.
the total number of CEA economists was determined by adding the total number of senior staff economists listed in the economic report and adding the members (usually two) and the chairman together.
*11/22: We needed to remove the regex searches for "infringe", "patently" and "venture" so I fixed and tested it and reran the program on the Bills data from Harsh. Code is in the same place as above:
Code: E:\McNair\Projects\Govtrack Bill search\Innovation Bills\Gov Track.py
to run: change the filepath variable to the directory your .txt files are in. press run.
The new output is: E:\McNair\Projects\Govtrack Bill search\Innovation Bills\Bills1129.txt
Christy and Peter:
*12/1: Created a modified text file that has an extra column with a 0 if the bill has not passed and a 1 if the bill has passed. The columns with whether the bill contains buzz words and the number of buzz words are still present. The file is located in:
Top 5 executive orders from 1993-2016 *all other significant bills are in the RDP file and on Ed's slack*
Executive Order 13539 -- President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology
Established the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Council will advise the President on science, tech, and innovation policy. OSTP will provide funding necessary for PCAST operations. E.O. 12539 expired in two years.
Executive Order 13704—Presidential Innovation Fellows Program
Establish the Presidential Innovation Fellows Program (Program) to enable exceptional individuals with proven track records to serve time-limited appointments in executive branch departments and agencies. Link to program: https://www.whitehouse.gov/innovationfellows. Example of PIF work deliverable: http://worker.gov/.
Executive Order 13329-- Encouraging Innovation in Manufacturing
This order attempts to encourage innovation in manufacturing by requiring department and agency heads to give priority to manufacturing related research and development, submit reports to the small business administration and more.
Executive Order 13169—Assistance to Small Business Exporters and Dislocated Workers
Works to help small business exporters and dislocated workers capitalize on new markets in china, sub-Saharan Africa and the Caribbean basin. Federal agencies should take steps to assist small businesses gain benefits, especially those headed by underserved populations.
Executive Order 13170-- Increasing Opportunities and Access for Disadvantaged Businesses
Attempted to increase opportunities and access for disadvantaged businesses for federal contracting opportunities. All agencies are required to take steps to implement terms of the order and ensure non-discrimination for business in the Small Disadvantaged Business Program in the Small Business Administration.
Data is stored in:
The file named executive.txt is a tab delimited text file that contains executive orders from 1993-Present with the following information: Subject, Link, Sign Date, and Order Number.
The Orders folder contains all the executive orders from 1993-Present, and each order is named by its order number.
Keywords used[[Category: entrepreneur! OR angel investor OR small business! OR venture capital OR incubator OR accelerator OR innovat! OR patent! OR copyright OR trademark OR infringe! OR patent troll OR freedom to operate OR inventor OR thicket OR portfolio OR prior art OR ventureInnovation Policy]][[Category:Entrepreneurship Policy]]