TIF Project

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TIF Data

Data is in


Cities in our sample that have GIS data=


Chicago, IL is in our data with 179 max active.

2017 GIS Data it appears to contain everything that we might need (the CSV contains everything)!!! https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Boundaries-Tax-Increment-Financing-Districts/fz5x-7zak

Other Data on all tifs (inc start and end date) up to 2012 https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/TIF-Status-and-Eligibility/3qsz-jemf

Map (but not GIS) based data of Chicago TIFs up to 2017. Included CDC date. https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Tax-Increment-Financing-TIF-Projects-Map/v3a3-hhqn

This dataset is a comprehensive list of every project in every TIF District that has received funding from the City of Chicago via the TIF program from the inception of TIF to current. https://data.cityofchicago.org/Community-Economic-Development/Tax-Increment-Financing-TIF-Projects/mex4-ppfc

Chicago KML from another source https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/boundaries-tax-increment-financing-districts

Columbus, OH

Columbus,OH is in our data with 29 max active KML with start dates! http://catalog.smartcolumbuside.com/en/dataset/tax-increment-financing-areas1

Washington, DC

Washington, DC is in our data with 63 max active Data from 2011 available with TIF dates: http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/tax-increment-financing-tif-areas See also, high tech dev zones (2013): http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/111b31a212814aad9320d301ccf9d6a9_20 Econ dev zones (2004) http://opendata.dc.gov/datasets/a3aefd57db394fd68d739556253dc44d_18

Houston, TX

Houston, TX is in our data with 101 max active Last updated 2017, appears to have dates! http://data.houstontx.gov/dataset/city-tax-increment-reinvestment-zones-tirz

Dallas, TX

Has a map: http://www.arcgis.com/home/webmap/viewer.html?url=https://gis.dallascityhall.com/wwwgis/rest/services/Eco_public/EconomicDevelopment/MapServer/1 But the data doesn't contain dates and doesn't appear to be exportable. It looks like there is Dallas data with dates from 2016: http://www.dallascad.org/GISDataProducts.aspx


Burlington, VT is in our data with 10 max active

GIS KML file, but doesn't contain creation date http://geodata.vermont.gov/datasets/cd53b08d40fc4e7dbc2757c36d038af5_7/data

Think the same thing is here: https://catalog.data.gov/dataset/vt-tax-increment-financing-tif-districts

Overview info: http://accd.vermont.gov/community-development/funding-incentives/tif

Allegheny County, PA

PA cities in our data:

Bethlehem	PA	10	Lehigh and Northampton counties
Chesterbrook	PA	11	Chester County
Horsham	PA	10	Montgomery County
King of Prussia	PA	15	Montgomery County
Philadelphia	PA	123	Philadelphia County
Pittsburgh	PA	150	Allegheny County
West Conshohocken	PA	Montgomery County

Pittsburgh,PA is in Allegheny County, and may be covered in the data KML that is supposed to have dates but doesn't appear to https://data.wprdc.org/dataset/allegheny-county-tif-boundaries

Cities not in our sample

Bloomington, IN

Bloomington, IN is not in our data

Some maps that plot TIFs, suggesting underlying data... https://data.bloomington.in.gov/en/dataset/tax-increment-financing-tif-district-maps

They don't host the GIS data on their own site: https://data.bloomington.in.gov/en/dataset?sort=score+desc%2C+metadata_modified+desc&res_format=KML&q=&page=2

Dublin, OH

Dublin, OH is not in our data KML GIS data, has creation and expiration date! http://data-dublinohio.opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/ff0af920c18e4aa78459137b6efcd3d3_0?uiTab=table&selectedAttributes%5B%5D=TIF_ID&chartType=bar

Oakland, MI

Oakland, MI is not in our data KML that has TIFs without dates http://accessoakland.oakgov.com/datasets/e90026448daa4d568daa3ef727d8d758_2

Cities We Couldn't Find

  • Denver, CO
  • Bellevue, WA
  • Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance), TN
  • Washington, DC
  • South San Francisco, CA
  • Portland, OR
  • Durham, NC
  • Pleasanton, CA
  • Baltimore, MD
  • Burlington, MA
  • Carlsbad, CA
  • Milpitas, CA
  • Richardson, TX
  • Lexington, MA
  • Los Gatos, CA
  • Memphis, TN
  • Oakland, CA
  • Charlotte, NC
  • Reston, VA
  • Tysons Corner, VA
  • Sandy Springs, GA
  • Campbell, CA
  • Madison, WI
  • St. Louis, MO
  • Alpharetta, GA
  • Berkeley, CA
  • Raleigh, NC
  • Phoenix, AZ
  • Ann Arbor, MI
  • Woburn, MA
  • Cary, NC
  • Emeryville, CA
  • Marlborough, MA
  • Burlingame, CA
  • Salt Lake City, UT
  • San Carlos, CA
  • Plano, TX
  • Scottsdale, AZ
  • Stamford, CT
  • Alexandria, VA
  • Newton, MA
  • Pasadena, CA
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Arlington, VA
  • Bethesda, MD
  • Columbus, OH
  • Florence-Graham, CA
  • Kirkland, WA
  • Los Altos, CA
  • Cleveland, OH
  • Minneapolis, MN
  • Boca Raton, FL
  • Gaithersburg, MD
  • New Haven, CT
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Eden Prairie, MN
  • Foster City, CA
  • Indianapolis city (balance), IN
  • Peachtree Corners, GA
  • Columbia, MD
  • Hayward, CA
  • Irving, TX
  • Bothell, WA
  • Watertown Town, MA
  • Chantilly, VA
  • Culver City, CA
  • Norwalk, CT
  • El Segundo, CA
  • Herndon, VA
  • Providence, RI

There's data on a couple of places that we don't care about on https://ckan.geoplatform.gov/#?q=tax%20increment

Other Stuff

St. Louis, MI

St. Louis has data but without GIS shapes. The data is here: http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/studies/economic-development/tif-database . It was apparently extracted from a 2015 report here: http://dor.mo.gov/pdf/2015TIFAnnualReport.pdf . The locations are google mapped here: http://www.bettertogetherstl.com/tax-incremental-financing-map


City of Philly Enterprise Zones:

Enterprise Zones - Data includes commercial and industrial zones, i.e. areas with specific federal enterprise zone designation meant to attract and support businesses in blighted areas. Blighted areas are defined as meeting one of seven city mandated criteria, including unsafe, unsanitary and inadequate conditions; economically or socially undesirable land use; and faulty street and lot layout. https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/enterprise-zones

Also Empowerment Zones. https://www.opendataphilly.org/dataset/empowerment-zones

Larimer County

Larimer County Colorado: https://www.larimer.org/assessor/tif (no data)

New Hampshire

New Hampshire report (2003) says that "some have GIS data" http://www.swrpc.org/files/data/com_econ_dev/ed/December%202003_%20TIF%20Handbook_7232010forweb.pdf We have Nashua, NH (max 14 active) in our data, but it isn't one that has GIS data.

Sherman, TX

Sherman, TX has GIS data without dates: https://koordinates.com/layer/16403-finance-tax-increment-finance-tif/


Cincinnati has TIFs (http://choosecincy.com/Economic-Development/Programs-Services/Incentives-Financing/Tax-Increment-Financing.aspx) but no GIS data...


Michigan as some state level data (not GIS) in summary somewhere because it is reference in this report: http://www.senate.michigan.gov/SFA/Publications/Notes/2016Notes/NotesWin16dk.pdf

Academic/Policy papers

A policy paper on the econ effects of TIFs https://projects.cberdata.org/reports/TifEconEffects-012815.pdf

Uploading TIF Data onto database (tigertest)

Command to upload KML file into a table in database (tigertest)

researcher@McNairDBServ:/bulk/tigertest$ ogr2ogr -f PostgreSQL PG:"dbname=tigertest" chicagotif.kml -nln chicagotif

(chicagotif.kml is the name of the KML file and chicagotif is the name I wish to name the table)

Cities & Tables


Table name: chicagotif

   Column    |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                   | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid      | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('chicagotif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                             | main     |              | 
name         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
description  | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
begin        | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
end          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
altitudemode | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
tessellate   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
extrude      | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
visibility   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
draworder    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
icon         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
name_trim    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
show         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
approval_d   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
ref          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
objectid     | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
ind          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
repealed_d   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
comm_area    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
wards        | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shape_area   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
sbif         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shape_len    | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
type         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
expiration   | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
use          | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              |

Allegheny County, PA

Table name: alleghenycountytif

    Column      |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                       Default                       | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid         | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('alleghenycountytif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry    | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                                     | main     |              | 
name            | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
description     | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
timestamp       | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
begin           | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
end             | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
altitudemode    | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
tessellate      | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
extrude         | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
visibility      | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
draworder       | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
icon            | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
objectid        | integer                  |           |          |                                                     | plain    |              | 
terminationdate | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
effectivedate   | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
sponsor         | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
active          | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
verified        | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
notes           | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              | 
verified_date   | character varying        |           |          |                                                     | extended |              |


Table name: atlantatif

   Column    |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                   | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid      | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('atlantatif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                             | main     |              | 
name         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
description  | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
timestamp    | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
begin        | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
end          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
altitudemode | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
tessellate   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
extrude      | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
visibility   | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
draworder    | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
icon         | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
objectid     | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
id           | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
area         | integer                  |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
tad_name     | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
start_       | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
status       | character varying        |           |          |                                             | extended |              | 
shape_length | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              | 
shape_area   | double precision         |           |          |                                             | plain    |              |

Columbus, OH

Table name: columbustif

    Column     |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |                   Default                    | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
ogc_fid        | integer                  |           | not null | nextval('columbustif_ogc_fid_seq'::regclass) | plain    |              | 
wkb_geometry   | geometry(Geometry,4326)  |           |          |                                              | main     |              | 
name           | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
description    | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
timestamp      | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
begin          | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
end            | timestamp with time zone |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
altitudemode   | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
tessellate     | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
extrude        | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
visibility     | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
draworder      | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
icon           | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
objectid       | integer                  |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
fund_no        | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
orc            | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
ordinance      | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
passage        | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
agreement      | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
dte_status     | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
acres          | double precision         |           |          |                                              | plain    |              | 
url            | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              | 
last_edit_date | character varying        |           |          |                                              | extended |              |

Washington, D.C.

Table name: dctif

Dublin, OH

Table name: dublintif


Table name: vermonttif