Bernie Sanders (Jobs and Business Policy)

Revision as of 18:59, 25 January 2016 by imported>WillC
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  • Increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2020. (BSWII)
  • Favors the Employee Free Choice Act, a reform that would protect workers' rights to unionize and make it harder for management to threaten unionizing workers.
  • Clean Energy workforce would create 10 million jobs. (BSWCC)
  • Claims that the separation of health insurance and employment allows entrepreneurs and businesses to move forward without health insurance being an issue and at lower costs. (BSWHC)
  • Provide more loans for small businesses to grow (FTBBE)
  • Proposes patent system reform that would ensure less stifling of innovation across industries (FTBBE)
  • VISA reform to allow highly-skilled foreign workers to stay and work in the United States (FTBBE)

Wall Street

  • Too big to fail, Too big to Exist Act which would break up big banks and prohibit organizations that are too large from accessing using uninsured deposits for risky activities. (BSWWS)
  • Supports reinstating legislation similar to the Glass-Steagall Act. (BI)
  • Tax on Wall Street Speculation that would fund tuition-free college. (BI)
  • Wants to end subsidies to big business and end offshore tax havens (FTBCR)
  • End subsidies to large corporations and make sure they pay the full corporate tax (FTBCR)