Dylan Dickens (Work Log)

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Summer Work

06/01/2016 15:48 - Set Up Work Log Pages

06/02/2016 10:23 - Set Up "Battlestation" with two monitors, "real mouse" and non-mac keyboard.

06/07/2016 03:42 - Finished first draft of Entrepreneurship and the 2016 Election (Blog Post)

06/08/2016 02:20 - Finished first draft of What Does A Female Entrepreneur Look Like? (Blog Post)

06/10/2016 05:00 - Finished first draft of Social Media Usage in Entrepreneurship (Blog Post) and Houston SBA Loans (Blog Post)

06/13/2016 05:00 - Finished first draft of Business Dynamism in High Tech (Blog Post) and Navigating the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem (Vlog)

06/14/2016 05:00 - Finished first draft of Patent Trolls (Blog Post) and Small Business' Best Import (Blog Post)

06/15/2016 04:48 - Finished first draft of Economic Impact of Immigrant Entrepreneurs on America (Blog Post)

06/16/2016 05:00 - Finished first draft of En Bra Uppfattning (Blog Post)

06/17/2016 05:00 - Finished first draft of Poaching and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post)

06/20/2016 05:00 - Finished first draft of Tackling Stagnation of Texas Entrepreneurship (Blog Post)

06/21/2016 05:00 - Researched for potential info on Muslim entrepreneurs, was diverted to Wiki Maintenance.

06/22/2016 05:00 -Continued with Wiki Maintenance and Muslim entrepreneur research

06/23/2026 05:00 -Did the privacy policy and stuff for wiki. Finished first draft ofMuslim Entrepreneurs (Issue Brief)

06/24/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of The Brexit and Entrepreneurship (Report)

06/29/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Theories of Entrepreneurship (Blog Post)

06/28/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Measuring Entrepreneurship (Blog Post)

06/29/2016 12:30 -Finished reviewing NHL Paper

06/29/2016 05:00 -Calculated firm birth rate for U.S. per dollar of VC

06/30/2016 05:00 -Continued to try and find firm birth rate statistics for various nations, found some for Israel, Canada and France but decided not worth time at the moment. Started first draft of 5 Myths about Venture Capital (Blog Post)

07/01/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Predicting Venture Capital (Blog Post)

07/05/2016 05:00 -Cleaned up wiki, finished first draft of Defining Venture Capital (Blog Post) by re-purposing the start of 5 Myths about Venture Capital (Blog Post), and conducted research on GIS sources and data.

07/06/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Innovation and the U.S. Military (Blog Post) Though I think I may develop into a more long format tomorrow, could be a good policy proposal.

07/07/2016 05:00 -Started first draft of Strategic Innovation Investment and the U.S. Military (Policy Report) plan to finish tomorrow.

07/08/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Strategic Innovation Investment and the U.S. Military (Policy Report).

07/11/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Clinton and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post).

07/12/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of The ACA and Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post).

07/13/2016 12:30 -Organized the Blog Series Planning page, started Importance of Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post).

07/13/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Importance of Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post).

07/15/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post).

07/18/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Trump and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post).

07/19/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Economic Regulation and Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post).

07/20/2016 05:00 - Finished final drafts of Importance of Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post), The ACA and Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post), Immigration and Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post), Economic Regulation and Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post), Clinton and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post), and Trump and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post). Also finished a rough draft of Bob McNair's biography.

07/21/2016 05:00 -Investigated feasibility of a blog post on Gary Johnson, William Weld, and the Libertarian party, found none. Assembled and began to analyze VC data against industry averages with Ben for the Houston Accelerators (issue brief)

07/22/2016 05:00 -Continued to calculate benchmark statistics for Ycombinator and Tech Stars

07/25/2016 05:00 -Reworked edits on Importance of Entrepreneurship in the 2016 Election (Blog Post), created record pages on Clinton, Pence, and Kaine.

07/26/2016 05:00 -Reworked edits on Clinton and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post), and Trump and Entrepreneurship (Blog Post), sent Anne editable copies of all written posts

07/27/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of Entrepreneurship as Foreign Policy (Blog Post) and helped compile data for the Houston Accelerators (issue brief).

07/28/2016-08/04/2016 - In Doha

08/05/2016 05:00 -Worked on Houston Ecosystem spreadsheet w/ Ben, learned all I needed to take it on individually

08/08/2016 05:00 -Worked on Houston Ecosystem spreadsheet

08/09/2016 05:00 -Worked on Houston Ecosystem spreadsheet, helped design blog

08/10/2016 05:00 -Worked on Houston Ecosystem spreadsheet, edited McNair Bio

Fall Work

09/26/2016 - Tested various links on blog, readjusted layout, finalized and pushed out the 2/3 election series posts

09/27/2016 - Remotely sourced the 2016 blog post, made minor tweaks to the other two

10/03/2016 - Worked to fix semantics and usability for the SBDE project, as well as planning out some aspects of the overall concept.

10/04/2016 - Worked to finalize the Trump|Pence blog post with Ed

10/06/2016 - Worked to finalize the Clinton|Kaine blog post with Ed

10/07/2016 - Worked remotely to sign off on the three blog posts.

10/13/2016 - Continued to work on the Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project by finding and sourcing updated cohort lists.

10/17/2016 -Calculated new VC % for the Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project and updated the Immigration and Entrepreneurship Blog Post

10/20/2016 -Produced updated SBDE map on CARTO, edited CSV/HTML for map list. Continued to find updated Acquisition lists for the Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project

10/24/2016 -Edited and sent in first draft of a Entrepreneurship as Foreign Policy (Blog Post) to Anne, and started writing an outline for the Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief) with Ben.

10/31/2016 -Happy Halloween! Fixed up the Semantic wiki page and adjusted so all of my Blog Drafts are saved. Updated drafts for both Swedish Entrepreneurship (Blog Post) and Entrepreneurship as Foreign Policy (Blog Post). Continued to write policy outline for Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief) with Ben.

1/1/2016 -Continued to craft the Institution template. Could not get headers of IPO % functionality perfect, but got an image and general format. Continued to Flush out HHV's NextHIT subpage. Updated all wiki pages of blog posts to have functional google doc links.

11/3/2016 -Finished HHV's NextHIT subpage. Started SURGE.

11/7/2016 -Focused on Preparing blog posts, got What is Venture Capital, Innovation and the U.S. Military, and Business Dynamism out to peer editors

11/8/2016 - Edited Innovation and the U.S. Military, and Business Dynamism after peer, sent to Anne

11/10/2016 - Edited What is Venture Capital after peer, sent to Anne

11/14/2016 - Focused on Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief), created subpages for SURGE, Redhouse Associates, OwlSpark, TMCx, RED Labs and HTC.

11/15/2016 - Was rerouted to Council of Economic Advisers project

11/17/2016 - Started Fannin Innovation Studio subpage, helped Ed with finding small business GDP data.

11/21/2016 - Searched for Small Business Data for Ed, located FDIC data.

11/22/2016 - Converted FDIC pulls into normalized Excel files for Ed

11/28/2016 - Finished producing "qualitative" text for the Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief), flushing out all subpages. Learned RegEx to start accelerator .txt files

11/29/2016 - Built accelerator .txt headers w/ Ed, made sheets for accelerators #381-#385

12/01/2016 - Made sheets for accelerators #385-#393

12/05/2016 - Continued to build accelerator sheets

12/08/2016 - Continued to build accelerator sheets

12/14/2016 - Edited blog posts, worked on ecosystem project

12/15/2016 - Input interview slots, drafted tweets, designed graphs

12/16/2016 - Drafted Tweets, cleaned wiki pages, on-call for graph design

12/19/2016 - Half-day, helped Anne adjust hiring procedures, printed CV's and Abstracts, helped find graphics for blog posts

Spring Work

01/09/2017 - Drafted tweets that were on backlog from over break

01/11/2017 - Broke down and disposed of boxes, drafted tweets, worked on accelerator sheets

01/18/2017 - Drafted backlog tweets, worked on accelerator sheets

1/23/2017 - Started Report on Houston

1/30/2017 - Continued Report on Houston

2/01/2017 - Continued Report on Houston

2/06/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project

2/08/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project

2/13/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project, Worked on Houston report, fixed some Wiki security issues

2/15/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project

2/20/2017 - Googled M&A data for Accenture, finished up draft for Report on Houston, started SDC pulls for potential Market v non-market

2/22/2017 - Ran pulls for Market v NonMarket, helped develop methodology

2/27/2017 - Pulled for Market v NonMarket, cleaned data

3/1/2017 - Built potential artifacts for VC Report Houston 2017

3/6/2017 - Cleaned up and built a new artifacts for VC Report Houston 2017

3/8/2017 - Cleaned up and built a new artifacts for VC Report Houston 2017

3/20/2017 - Finalized Artifacts for VC Report Houston 2017

3/23/2017 - Attempted to find Count of Live Companies per Year 1986-2016

3/27/2017 - Edited Report on Houston

3/29/2017 - Edited Report on Houston

4/3/2017 - Built artifacts for Report on Houston Entrepreneurship Institutions and Report on VC in Houston

4/5/2017 - Set up "adobe" account

4/10/2017 - Finished Timeline Artifact, Started descriptive paragraphs

4/12/2017 - Continued Descriptive paragraphs

4/17/2017 - Finished Descriptive paragraphs

4/19/2017 - Tweaked artifacts for Issue Brief

5/2/2017 - Cleared backlogged tweets. Updated portfolios for Houston Institutions

5/3/2017 - Confirmed data for Houston Institutions

5/4/2017 - Started updating artifacts for Houston Institutions

5/5/2017 - Finished updating artifacts for Houston Institutions

5/8/2017 -Finalized artifacts for Houston Institutions. Began standardizing Houston Investment artifacts. Started updating services provided.

5/9/2017 - Produced artifacts for reports.

5/10/2017 - Last day, cranked out artifacts for all three reports.