Komal Agarwal (Work Log)
Komal Agarwal Work Logs (log page)
20160222 12:00 map information
20160222 5:00 finished: startup blink information compilation (see: "StartupBlink Map Listed Houston Startups" in Drive) and Houston Startups list compilation (see: "Komal—Houston Startups List" in Google drive), assigned roles to team members
20160219 12:00 compiling map information
20160219 5:00 compiling list of Houston startups through online maps of the startup scene in Houston, continue working on map information document
20160217 12:00 work on compiling map information excel sheet
20160217 5:00 researched startup maps to benchmark against, compiled information on map document, researched entrepreneurship-related organizations, meetups, communities, etc.
20160215 12:00 compile list of questions and deliverables for Houston ecosystem project, meeting with Ed and team to define project goals
20160212 12:00 add time sheet to Wiki, Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Accelerator Research, coordinated brainstorming meeting with team on further defining the project goals