SEO Repair Shop

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Small Business Development Ecosystem of Houston
SEO Repair Shop
Institution Information
Name SEO Repair Shop
Project Small Business Development Ecosystem of Houston
Classification Marketer
Non-Profit Status No
Cost $$
Development Stage Concept
Minorities no
Women no
Education yes
Certification no
Consulting no
Coworking no
Financing no
Meeting no
Mentoring no
Networking no
Contact Phone Number (832) 794-8911 or (203) 665-8637
Contact E-Mail
Copyright © 2016 McNair Center. All Rights Reserved.

SEO Repair Shop is a Houston-based consultation firm that offers services to small businesses. SEO focuses on helping small businesses build their websites and improve their social media engagement, through providing skills, such as search engine optimization.


SEO Analysis
When deciding to have an SEO analysis performed, you have taken the first step towards wanting more value from your website. Building a proper website can be compared to designing and building a house. You don’t just go to the store, buy materials and start building (hopefully). It takes careful planning. You want it to be:
-Beautiful with curb appeal
-Structurally sound
-Interior design
-In the right location

Competition Analysis
After performing a self-assessment to gauge where you stand on your own, you can then start to explore your competition. This is a critical step because it is here where you can start to get granular and uncover:
-Who your main competition is
-Who your unknown competition is
-How to think outside the box
-How to adapt your strategies

Keyword Research & Keyword Strategies
You have to uncover the common ground for your offerings versus what you believe people are searching for and create a keyword strategy around this for each page on your website. Some techniques involved include but are not limited to are:
-Main keyword research
-Keyword difficulty
-Alternative keywords and phrases