== Attributes == '''Note''': these values are likely to change without warning. For the latest version of these see the actual files at <code>E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\src\main\java\org\bakerinstitute\mcnair\models</code>. === Assignee === text fields: <code>NAME, ADDR1, ADDR2, CITY, STATE, COUNTRY_NAME, POSTCODE</code> === Assignment === text fields: <code>REEL_NUMBER, FRAME_NUMBER, LAST_UPDATE_DATE, RECORDED_DATE, CONVEYANCE_TEXT</code> lists: <code>correspondents, assignors, assignees</code> === Assignment Summary === text fields: <code>LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME, ORG_NAME, CITY, COUNTRY, STATE, ADDRESS, POSTCODE</code> === Assignor ====== Citation ===== Attributes = Correspondent ====== GrantedPatent ====== Inventor ====== Lawyer ====== MaintenanceFeeEvent ====== Sciref ===
See <code>E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\src\main\java\org\bakerinstitute\mcnair\models\GrantedPatent.java</code>. In the first couple of lines there is a <code>public enum Fields</code> which describes what attributes are parsed out. In addition, there are 5 lists of citations, scirefs, inventors, assignees, and lawyers associated with this patent--each of which has its own parsed attributes which you can find by looking in the same directory. These attributes (except for the number of claims) are stored as strings (text) rather than numbers.
== New Schema ==