This page is for internal use only. Please put comments, ideas, actionable items and other things that we need to keep track of here. You can also post them to #ideasformcnair on our Slack channel.
==Current Notes==
Rebuild of patent data:
*Include design patents
*Ed to re-work and rebuild the core data
VC data:
*Jake to do round-level table build
*Round on one line to be joined in
*IPOs and acquisitions to be joined in
*Alive to be calculated
*Lead VC to be calculated
Issue briefs:
*Pipeline based cover art from Julia?
*Decide on artifacts for each
*Ed to review 2013 snapshot load
*API plugin needed for accelerator search?
*Cohort issues! Need a plan for this!
Policy outstanding:
*State-level: Instruments and Research parks
*Find and review recent 3 bills through small business committee
*Review ITIF/Brookings report
==Technology Issues==