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[[image:huckabee.jpg|200x200px200px|thumb|right|Mike Huckabee]]
Michael Huckabee was born on August 24, 1955, in Hope, Arkansas. He was the first male member of his family to earn a high school diploma, and enrolled at Ouachita Baptist University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas, where he majored in religion and minored in speech. He won a special election for lieutenant governor in 1993, then became governor when Jim Guy Tucker was convicted in events relating to Whitewater. Huckabee was elected to full terms in 1998 and 2002. He ran for the Republican nomination for president in 2008 but lost to John McCain. In 2015, Huckabee announced that he will run for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination. []
==Tax Reform==
Proposed a FairTax system {{:Mike Huckabee (MHWTRTax Reform)}} *abolish IRS ==Jobs and Business Policy=={{:Mike Huckabee (Jobs and tax codeBusiness Policy)}} *eliminate all income tax==Health Policy=={{:Mike Huckabee (Health Policy)}} ==Drug Policy=={{:Mike Huckabee (Drug Policy)}} ==Middle East=={{:Mike Huckabee (Middle East)}} ==Trade=={{:Mike Huckabee (Trade)}} ==Immigration=={{:Mike Huckabee (Immigration)}} ==Environmental=={{:Mike Huckabee (Environmental)}} ==Education=="When it comes to education, including payrollthe Obama Administration is lost at sea. We must shift power back to state and local governments. In my ten years as governor, Medicare, Social SecurityI fought for parents, students and investment income taxeslocal control.*establish national sales tax*“senior bonus payment” instead Washington bureaucrats and big-government central planners are out-of Social Security-control.*bonus payments to poor individualsEducation is a family function — not a federal function.*claim: Education decisions are best made by the FairTax system will ensure that everyone including criminals will be required to pay most local government — Moms and Dads.*I believe we must demand results, accountability and success for every child in every classroom. I oppose watering down our education standards or automatically promoting every student.*I also oppose Common Core and believe we should abolish the tax, since it is a sales tax instead federal department of education. We must kill Common Core and restore common sense. The rising cost of income taxcollege also threatens middle class families, reinvest $22 trillion parked offshore back to students and the United StatesAmerican dream. For too many, grow economy by 6% each year, create millions college is where students discover mountains of manufacturing debt — but not a lifelong career. We must tackle the establishment and reform our colleges and universities so they make sense for the jobsof tomorrow."[ (MHWE)]
"We should explore and exploit all forms of domestically produced energy — oil, gas, wind, solar, bio-fuels, hydro-electric, nuclear, coal — anything and everything."[]
*push for energy independence
*support Keystone Pipeline
==Spending and Debt==
Reject the failed Obama-Clinton policies that punish working families and encourage government dependency.
Secure the border & end illegal immigration.
Repeal & replace ObamaCare.[
==Gun Control==
Defend the 2nd Amendment
Protect the rights of gun owners from Big Government
Oppose new gun restrictions, registrations, regulations & mandates[] ==National Security==Rebuild America’s military superiority. The best way to avoid conflict is to build a lethal fighting force so strong and powerful that no one would dare mess with us. Restore our role as leader of the Free World. Our enemies no longer fear us and our allies no longer trust or respect us. Reject Obama’s crisis-management approach to the world. We need a President who will accept responsibility and lead. As President, I will lead with moral clarity in a dangerous world. Moral clarity is the foundation to our economic and military strength.[]==Health Care=="We need to remember that there is no controversy about the things that are driving medical costs. The next president ought to declare a war on cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and Alzheimer's, because those are the four things that are causing the greatest cost. I remember the polio vaccine. We saved billions of dollars since that time, because we haven't had to treat for polio. Why doesn't this country focus on cures rather than treatment? We change the economy and the country." []
"ObamaCare is a $2.2 trillion disaster that dumps millions of people into a broken, expensive system and does nothing to fix the basic problems everyday Americans face. We must tackle out-of-control costs.ObamaCare raided $700 billion from Medicare. This is not reform — it’s theft. We must reject government dependency. We need solutions and choices — not government mandates and new taxes. We must address pre-existing conditions with common sense. As a governor, I know these issues first hand. Our system of “sick care” is upside down. Doctors, hospitals and drug companies get paid for treating people who are sick — not keeping people healthy or preventing illnesses. So many Americans cannot afford to get sick, while others take advantage of a system that isn’t fair. ObamaCare simply doubles down on this backwards, broken, flawed and failing system. We need honesty, leadership and real reform. As President, I will repeal ObamaCare and fight for real health care reform." []
==Border Security==
"America has an immigration crisis on its hands, and it’s time for the federal government to do its job. Without a secure border, nothing matters.
We have drug cartels running reckless on our southern border, and the Washington establishment wants to reward illegal immigrants with amnesty and citizenship.
As President, I will:
1) Reject President Obama's unconstitutional executive orders.
2) Oppose amnesty.
3) Secure the border now.
If you reward people who play outside the rules and punish people who live within the rules, pretty soon nobody is going to play by the rules. We are a nation of immigrants, but we are also a nation of laws." []
"My first act as President will be to end the national disgrace of failing to properly care for veterans who sacrificed so greatly for our country. America’s soldiers deserve first-class treatment and top-quality care — anything less is unfair, unacceptable, and simply un-American. As President, I will:
4) Fight for mental health awareness, treatment, and suicide prevention.
Priorities matter — our nation must make sure the first fruits of our treasury go to those serving in uniform." []
"As president, I will fight for America’s future and America’s farmers. I will:
4)Abolish the Death Tax and protect family farms.
I governed a rural state for ten years and 25% of our economy was agriculture. I was also born and raised in rural America. As President, I will never forget my roots or my small town values."[]
==Family Values==
"I will never apologize for my faith, my convictions or my values. Period.
As Governor, I promoted and signed a fetal protection act. I imposed a ban on partial birth abortion, established waiting periods, created parental notification requirements, and passed a bill so mothers who brought a newborn to a hospital or fire station would not be prosecuted for child abandonment.
I may stand alone, but I am absolutely faithful to the issue of marriage. Not because it’s politically expedient, but because it’s the Biblical position, the historical position and the right position. We must defend, protect and preserve traditional marriage." [ and Innovation== {{:Mike Huckabee (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)}} 
==Sources Key==
(MHWTR) = []
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