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==Tax Reform==
From [ Kasich’s “Economic Revival “Cutting Taxes Factsheet”] '''Tax Cuts for Individuals and Families:''' Lowering income tax rates, reducing the number of brackets, and increasing the Earned Income Tax Credit will allow all taxpayers, especially low and middle income earners, to keep more of their own money and be better able to save and invest for the future. *Lower Income Tax Rates: Simplify and cut taxes for Americans by reducing the number of brackets from seven to three, cutting the top rate from the current 39.6 percent to 28 percent—the same rate President Reagan used in his 1986 tax cut—and cutting the other rates as well. *Low-Income Tax Relief: Increase the Earned Income Tax Credit by 10 percent. *Lower Capital Gains Tax Rates: Reduce long-term capital gains rates to 15 percent. *Eliminate the death tax. *Simplify Deductions: Preserve the tax deduction for charitable donations for all taxpayers and the mortgage interest deduction (maintaining current limits). '''Tax Cuts for Job Creators:''' Lower taxes and incentives to invest will restore global competitiveness to America’s business to help create new jobs. *Lower Tax Rates: John Kasich will cut the top business rate to 25 percent from 35 percent to make America more competitive. *Double the Research & Development Tax Credit for Small Businesses: To help small businesses innovate, be competitive and create jobs, John Kasich will double the value of the research and development tax credit for businesses under $20 million in gross revenues. *Repatriation: America’s current high corporate tax rate and worldwide tax system discourages U.S. multi-national corporations from bringing their foreign-earned profits back to the U.S. where they can create jobs for Americans. To encourage businesses to bring these profits back from overseas John Kasich will apply a low rate on the estimated $2 Paid for by Kasich for America, 2 trillion in previously deferred active foreign earned income. *Territoriality: To keep U.S. businesses’ foreign-earned profits flowing back into the U.S., Kasich will replace our current worldwide tax system with a territorial system that only taxes profits businesses generate in the U.S. This will make the U.S. more competitive and put it on the same footing as Canada, Australia, Germany, the United Kingdom and most other major industrialized nations. *Immediate Expensing: John Kasich will let businesses immediately deduct the full cost of new equipment, machinery and buildings. Accelerating the tax deductibility will encourage more company investment, resulting in greater growth and job creation.
'''Cut Taxes & Make The Tax Code Simpler & FairerTear Down Barriers to Innovation:''' Americans’ taxes are too high. They are ’’’ Initiate a barrier comprehensive review of federal policies to work, saving, growth and investment, identify and innovation and must be significantly reduced for individuals and businesses to spark growth.*Cut Individuals’ Taxes: John Kasich will simplify and cut taxes for Americans by reducing the number of brackets from seven to three, cutting the top rate from the current 39.6 percent to 28 percent—the same rate President Reagan used in his 1986 tax cut—and cutting the other rates as well. Kasich also will increase the Earned Income Tax Credit by 10 percent, cut the long-term capital gains rate to 15 percent, eliminate the death tax and preserve the deductions for charitable donations and mortgage interest (consistent with current limits). *Cut Business Taxes: John Kasich will cut the top rate from 35 percent to 25 percent to make America globally competitive, establish a low tax rate barriers to repatriate the estimated $2 trillion in profits held overseas, double the research and development tax credit for businesses under $20 million, allow same-year expensing for new investmentsinnovation, and create a “territorial” system that only taxes U.S.-produced income, like most other major industrialized nations.*Fix the IRS: Additionally, John Kasich will launch a top-to-bottom review commercialization of the IRS and tax code to root out the barriers to innovation new breakthroughs and small business start-ups, as well as to end the IRS culture of bias, arrogance and political favoritismup business success.
'''Reform the Internal Revenue Service to eliminate inefficiency, bias and corruption:''' The Kasich Administration will launch an independent, top-to-bottom review of the Internal Revenue Service and its practices with the goal of improving simplicity, fairness and integrity. No more will the IRS be used to target individuals or groups based on ideology or other irrelevant factors.
==Health Policy==
From [ “Kasich’s “Balance the Budget Factsheet”]
'''Reform Entitlement Programs: ''' The cost of entitlement programs like Medicaid and Medicare are growing uncontrollably and must be fundamentally reformed to reduce their growth rates and become more efficient while still providing the services that Americans want and need.
*Medicaid: Providing per-member per-month allocations to the states, along with the flexibility to innovate and tailor their programs to their individual health care markets, can help hold Medicaid’s spending growth to 3 percent annually.
*Medicare: Increasing care coordination through Medicare Advantage, as well as other changes like reforming payment practices to increase value and quality, can help restrain Medicare spending to an average of 5.3 percent annually.
From OnTheIssues John Kasich section [ On Environment]
==Jobs and Entrepreneurship/Small Business Policy== From [ Kasich’s “Regulatory Reform Factsheet”]
From [https'''Regulatory Reform://s3Using Common Sense to Remove Barriers to Job Creation'''*A One-us-westYear Moratorium: A one-2year moratorium will be imposed on all major, new regulations.amazonawsThis will give businesses a respite from the costs of Obama Administration regulations and allow time to overhaul the regulatory*Mandatory Cost-kasichBenefit Analysis: The benefit of regulations must outweigh their costs. John Kasich will call on Congress to make cost-assets/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/benefit analyses mandatory for all new regulations to make sure that is the case. It will also ensure greater transparency in the rulemaking process so Americans have a better understanding of the impact of new regulations. *Congressional Approval For Rules Over $100 Million: John Kasichwill urge Congress to enact legislation requiring it to approve any regulation that is projected to impose more than $100 million annually on the American economy. *Rein-Planin Agency Abuses: Stronger oversight of agency rulemaking is necessary to ensure cost-Factbenefit analyses are performed, regulations align with congressional intent and to identify and remove abusive or unreasonable regulations. *Two-SheetYear Permitting Deadline: Permits should be issued in a timely manner to reduce uncertainty for businesses. A maximum two-Cutting-Taxes-1year deadline will be imposed for agencies to issue permits for major new infrastructure projects.pdf *Independent, Common Sense Appeals: To give job creators a fair chance when they object to an agency’s permitting, enforcement or other regulatory action, John Kasich's "Cutting Taxes Factsheet"]will create new appointed common sense reviews comprised of real Americans. Today a small business that wants to fight an agency decision can sue in federal court and go bankrupt hiring lawyers, or it must often use an agency’s own appeals process staffed by its own bureaucrats. Only an independent administrative review can ensure businesses get fair, reasonable treatment.
From [ Kasich’s “Dismantling Washington and taking back… Factsheet”]
'''Workforce:''' Washington should provide more flexibility from rigid guidelines so states can align programs to the skills and positions for which local job creators are hiring. Issuing block grants to the states while streamlining multiple programs into a few large grants will afford them the opportunity to be innovative and responsive. To be successful and accountable, states will need to ensure their efforts prioritize the following principles:
*Meet Business Needs: Government bureaucrats should not identify needs and priorities; businesses need to be engaged in the development of the state’s workforce programs to ensure they help maximize economic potential.
*Measure the Right Outcomes: Federal accountability measures often prioritize volume over success and fail to capture meaningful factors such as job placement and retention, or earnings growth over time. Federal accountability measures will be reformed to eliminate unintended negative outcomes and instead encourage states to look at those served as individuals, not numbers.
*Help Prevent Unemployment: Unemployed workers need help to upgrade their skills or acquire news ones, but efforts are also needed to help them avoid unemployment to begin with. Giving states the ability to use existing federal training funds to help workers with jobs upgrade their skills can help their employers stay in business and stay competitive.
From [ Kasich’s “Dismantling Washington: the Commerce Department Factsheet”]
'''Link Basic and Applied Science to Put New Ideas to Work and to Create Jobs:''' The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is a powerhouse of scientific know-how, with strong industry relationships via its standards-setting work. Additionally, the National Technical Information Services (NTIS) collects and disseminates scientific and technical information from government-funded research to expand knowledge. To help get new ideas out of the lab and into the marketplace—a longtime priority of Gov. Kasich—he would merge NIST and NTIS with the basic science research functions of the National Science Foundation. This new combined science center would create a well-aligned pipeline from basic research, through applied research and into industry, while also providing a robust platform for disseminating new breakthroughs. NIST’s programs in support of manufacturers would be separated and merged with the Small Business Administration to provide these job creators a more seamless one-stop experience for the support they need.
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