Difference between revisions of "Work Logs"

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(Created page with "==Dylan Dickens== {{:Dylan Dickens (Work Log)}}")
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==Komal Agarwal==
==Dylan Dickens==
{{:Komal Agarwal (Work Log)}}
{{:Dylan Dickens (Work Log)}}
==Pedro Alvarez==
{{:Pedro Alvarez (Work Log)}}
==Ben Baldazo==
{{:Ben Baldazo (Work Log)}}
==Carlin Cherry==
{{:Carlin Cherry1 (Work Log)}}
==Will Cleland==
{{:Will Cleland (Work Log)}}
==Meghana Gaur==
{{:Meghana Gaur (Work Log)}}
==Jackie Li==
{{:Jackie Li (Work Log)}}
==Albert Nabiullin==
{{:Albert Nabiullin (Work Log)}}
==Ramee Saleh==
{{:Ramee Saleh1 (Work Log)}}
==Claudio Sanchez==
{{:Claudio Sanchez (Work Log)}}
==Julia Wang==
{{:Julia Wang (Work Log)}}
==David Zhang==
{{:David Zhang (Work Log)}}
==Alex Jiang==
{{:Alex Jiang (Work Log)}}
==Sahil Patnayakuni==
{{:Sahil Patnayakuni (Work Log)}}

Revision as of 16:40, 1 June 2016

Dylan Dickens

2018-03-06:Troubleshot Key Terms program with Christy, continued to read articles.

2018-03-05: Tested the Key Terms program, found it not to be working. Troubleshot and alerted Christy.

2018-03-01: Started to read articles for key-terms testing.

2018-02-28: Adjusted some wiki pages, started testing the revamped tools.

2018-02-27: Drafted email with concerns to Ed, met with Ed to resolve concerns. Created action plan of testing the revamped tools and codifying a subset of known papers.

2018-02-26: Reviewed Christy's new documentation, prepared to meet with Ed.

2018-02-22: Tested RegEx-Excel Filter process, flagged some additional questions that need guidance from Ed. Met with Christy and worked to resolve coding issues.

2018-02-21: Finished RegEx-Excel Filter process, spoke with Ed about long-term goals of project.

2018-02-20: Continued working on the RegEx-Excel filter.

2018-02-19: Continued working on the RegEx-Excel filter.

2018-02-15: Started developing a RegEx and Excel filter for processing and cross-referencing sources.

2018-02-14: Identified the status of all codes. Drafted an email to Christy about retunring temporarily to help with the codes.

2018-02-13: Ran the KeyTerms and PDF Converter Python Codes.

2018-02-12: Finished troubleshooting crawler, reached out to Ed for guidance. Was redirected to testing Key Terms code.

2018-02-07: Troubleshot the crawler with Christy.

2018-02-06: Troubleshot the crawler with Christy.

2018-02-05: Reached out to Ed for guidance, was redirected to testing the scholar crawler.

2018-02-01: Continued PDF - BibTex filtering

2018-01-31: Started PDF - BibTex filtering process as per meetings with Christy and Lauren.

2018-01-30: Met with both Christy and Lauren.

2018-01-29: Reviewed the current state of PTLR project in order to prepare for meetings on Tuesday.

2018-01-26: Assisted with the McNair Center Event.

2018-01-25: Reached out to previous project owners to gather information for next steps. Was on standby to assist with the Lyceum Research Page

2018-01-24: Searched for tools to accomplish the strategies outlined in Patent Thicket Strategic Planning. Had a hard time locating anything, or getting a good grasp on where exactly the project is and what it needs. Gathered contact information for previous owners to make communications later this week. Also continued to prep the Lyceum Research Page for Ed.

2018-01-23: Finished Patent Thicket Strategic Planning and sent to Ed. Ed approved.

2018-01-22: Read Patent Thicket literature. Met with Ed to discuss broad strategy, began planning for next steps. Patent Thicket Strategic Planning

2018-01-18: Met with Ed to discuss Patent Thicket Project. Helped complete his research for the Amazon HQ2 Report.

2018-01-11: Finalized sourcing for Venture Capital Gap for Women

2018-01-10: Sourced all of Venture Capital Gap for Women, downloaded PDF's for about 3/4 of sources

2018-01-09: Found additional sources on the Venture Capital Gap for Women, as well as Fondren availability for a portion of the sources.