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[[Bernie Sanders | Bernie's]] [[Jobs and Business Policy]] [[Bernie Sanders (Jobs and Business Policy)| (section page)]]
*Increase the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 by 2020. [ (BSWII) ] *Favors the Employee Free Choice Act, a reform that would protect workers' rights to unionize and make it harder for management to threaten unionizing workers. [ (BSWLW)]*Clean Energy workforce would create 10 million jobs. [ (BSWCC)]*Claims that the separation of health insurance and employment allows entrepreneurs and businesses to move forward without health insurance being an issue and at lower costs. [ (BSWHC)]*Provide more loans for small businesses to grow [ (FTBBE)]*Proposes patent system reform that would ensure less stifling of innovation across industries [ (FTBBE)]*Visa reform to allow highly-skilled foreign workers to stay and work in the United States [ (FTBBE)]*"And in my view what we need to do is create millions of jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure; raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour; pay equity for women workers; and our disastrous trade policies, which have cost us millions of jobs." [ (DD1)] 
===Wall Street===
*Too big to fail, Too big to Exist Act which would break up big banks and prohibit organizations that are too large from accessing using uninsured deposits for risky activities[https://berniesanders. com/issues/reforming-wall-street/ (BSWWS)]*Supports reinstating legislation similar to the Glass-Steagall Act. [ (BI)]*Tax on Wall Street Speculation that would fund tuition-free college. [ (BI)]*Wants to end subsidies to big business and end offshore tax havens [ (FTBCR)]*End subsidies to large corporations and make sure they pay the full corporate tax [ (FTBCR)]*"Check the record. In the 1990s — and all due respect — in the 1990s, when I had the Republican leadership and Wall Street spending billions of dollars in lobbying, when the Clinton administration, when Alan Greenspan said, "what a great idea it would be to allow these huge banks to merge," Bernie Sanders fought them, and helped lead the opposition to deregulation." [ (DD1)]
Anonymous user

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