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==Perl Functions==
$$ LANGUAGE plpythonu;
==PostGIS Resources==
===Useful PostGIS functions for spatial joins===
'''sum(expression)''': aggregate to return a sum for a set of records
'''count(expression)''': aggregate to return the size of a set of records
'''ST_Area(geometry)''' returns the area of the polygons
'''ST_AsText(geometry)''' returns WKT text
'''ST_Buffer(geometry, distance)''': For geometry: Returns a geometry that represents all points whose distance from this Geometry is less than or equal to distance. Calculations are in the Spatial Reference System of this Geometry. For geography: Uses a planar transform wrapper.
'''ST_Contains(geometry A, geometry B)''' returns the true if geometry A contains geometry B
'''ST_Distance(geometry A, geometry B)''' returns the minimum distance between geometry A and geometry B
'''ST_DWithin(geometry A, geometry B, radius)''' returns the true if geometry A is radius distance or less from geometry B
'''ST_GeomFromText(text)''' returns geometry
'''ST_Intersection(geometry A, geometry B)''': Returns a geometry that represents the shared portion of geomA and geomB. The geography implementation does a transform to geometry to do the intersection and then transform back to WGS84
'''ST_Intersects(geometry A, geometry B)''' returns the true if geometry A intersects geometry B
'''ST_Length(linestring)''' returns the length of the linestring
'''ST_Touches(geometry A, geometry B)''' returns the true if the boundary of geometry A touches geometry B
'''ST_Within(geometry A, geometry B)''' returns the true if geometry A is within geometry B
geometry_a '''&&''' geometry_b: Returns TRUE if A’s bounding box overlaps B’s.
geometry_a '''=''' geometry_b: Returns TRUE if A’s bounding box is the same as B’s.
'''ST_SetSRID(geometry, srid)''': Sets the SRID on a geometry to a particular integer value.
'''ST_SRID(geometry)''': Returns the spatial reference identifier for the ST_Geometry as defined in spatial_ref_sys table.
'''ST_Transform(geometry, srid)''': Returns a new geometry with its coordinates transformed to the SRID referenced by the integer parameter.
'''ST_Union()''': Returns a geometry that represents the point set union of the Geometries.
'''substring(string [from int] [for int])''': PostgreSQL string function to extract substring matching SQL regular expression.
'''ST_Relate(geometry A, geometry B)''': Returns a text string representing the DE9IM relationship between the geometries.
'''ST_GeoHash(geometry A)''': Returns a text string representing the GeoHash of the bounds of the object.
===Native functions for geography===
'''ST_AsText(geography)''' returns text
'''ST_GeographyFromText(text)''' returns geography
'''ST_AsBinary(geography)''' returns bytea
'''ST_GeogFromWKB(bytea)''' returns geography
'''ST_AsSVG(geography)''' returns text
'''ST_AsGML(geography)''' returns text
'''ST_AsKML(geography)''' returns text
'''ST_AsGeoJson(geography)''' returns text
'''ST_Distance(geography, geography)''' returns double
'''ST_DWithin(geography, geography, float8)''' returns boolean
'''ST_Area(geography)''' returns double
'''ST_Length(geography)''' returns double
'''ST_Covers(geography, geography)''' returns boolean
'''ST_CoveredBy(geography, geography)''' returns boolean
'''ST_Intersects(geography, geography)''' returns boolean
'''ST_Buffer(geography, float8)''' returns geography [1]
'''ST_Intersection(geography, geography)''' returns geography [1]
===Functions for Linear Referencing===
'''ST_LineInterpolatePoint(geometry A, double measure)''': Returns a point interpolated along a line.
'''ST_LineLocatePoint(geometry A, geometry B)''': Returns a float between 0 and 1 representing the location of the closest point on LineString to the given Point.
'''ST_Line_Substring(geometry A, double from, double to)''': Return a linestring being a substring of the input one starting and ending at the given fractions of total 2d length.
'''ST_Locate_Along_Measure(geometry A, double measure)''': Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified measure.
'''ST_Locate_Between_Measures(geometry A, double from, double to)''': Return a derived geometry collection value with elements that match the specified range of measures inclusively.
'''ST_AddMeasure(geometry A, double from, double to)''': Return a derived geometry with measure elements linearly interpolated between the start and end points. If the geometry has no measure dimension, one is added.
===3-D Functions===
'''ST_3DClosestPoint''' — Returns the 3-dimensional point on g1 that is closest to g2. This is the first point of the 3D shortest line.
'''ST_3DDistance''' — For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian minimum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units.
'''ST_3DDWithin''' — For 3d (z) geometry type Returns true if two geometries 3d distance is within number of units.
'''ST_3DDFullyWithin''' — Returns true if all of the 3D geometries are within the specified distance of one another.
'''ST_3DIntersects''' — Returns TRUE if the Geometries “spatially intersect” in 3d - only for points and linestrings
'''ST_3DLongestLine''' — Returns the 3-dimensional longest line between two geometries
'''ST_3DMaxDistance''' — For geometry type Returns the 3-dimensional cartesian maximum distance (based on spatial ref) between two geometries in projected units.
'''ST_3DShortestLine''' — Returns the 3-dimensional shortest line between two geometries
===Relevant PostgreSQL Commands===
'''\dt *.*''' Show all tables
'''\q''' Exit table
===To make a circle===
SELECT ST_Buffer(''[desired point]'', ''[desired radius]'', 'quad_segs=8')
FROM ''[desired table]''
quad_segs=8 indicates circle
[[File: CirclePostGIS.png]]
For more precision in circle:
SELECT ST_Transform(geometry(
ST_Transform( ''[desired point]'', 4326 )),
''[desired radius]')),
900913) FROM ''[desired table]''
4326 and 900913 represent particular precision.
===Decimal Degrees===
We are working with longitude and latitude in decimal degrees. See
When converting radius to km, multiply by 111.3199. For area, multiple by (111.3199)^2=12,392.12013601.
==Configuring a copy of Postgres on Windows==

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