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7/30/2018 -
*Recoded founders' education
*In the process of recoding founders' job experience
*Worked with Minh to test MTurk survey
*Talked through MTurk logistics and strategy with Minh
*Recoded equity and investment variables given new SeedDB data
*Renormalized investment amount based on midpoint of ranges, and upper bounds (upon Hira's request)
7/29/2018 -
*Finalized multiple campuses work, refined addresses
*Upon Hira's request, recoded dead/alive variable for updated accuracy
7/27/2018 -
*Recoded founders
*Fixed multiple campuses and cohorts
*Fixed the Google Sheet
7/26/2018 -
*Cleaned up and fixed the Google Sheet with timing info.
*Recoded the employee count variable.
*Normalized investment amount
7/25/2018 -
*Created a comprehensive Google Sheet with new timing info, collaborated with other interns to find data. Cleaned up sheet.
7/24/2018 -
Sick day :(
7/23/2018 -
*Helped Minh with Demo Day information.
7/19/2018 -
*Helped Minh with training data for Demo Day Crawler
7/18/2018 -
*Helped Augi with MA cleaning
*Talked to Minh about Demo Day progress
7/17/2018 -
*Worked with Ed to add/merge data from Crunchbase to existing data. This was a replication of the process but done by Ed in SQL, not Excel. New data can be found in
/McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Summer 2018/'''Merged With Crunchbase Info as of July 17.xlsx'''
NOTE: Use this data rather than the sheet mentioned in yesterday's entry.
7/16/2018 -
*Merged cohort company data with Crunchbase data, by doing a Vlookup then cleaning up data. I used a =IF(A2="",B2,A2) formula to merge cells only when blanks were present. This provided us updated data for four columns:
**colocation (removed 6324 blanks)
**codescription (removed 5151 blanks)
**costatus (removed 7342 blanks)
**courl (removed 6670 blanks)
and new columns:
**founded_on date
These new variables can be found in:
/McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Summer 2018/'''Crunchbase Info Populated Empty Cells.xlsx''' (OUTDATED:: DON'T USE)
Upon Ed's approval, I'll move this sheet to replace Cohort Companies in '''The File to Rule Them All'''.
7/13/2018 -
*Using SQL, matched our cohort companies with information from Crunchbase. This gave us a lot of new information, like employee counts, company status, the date founded, and the location of the company. This data can be found here:
/McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Summer 2018/'''Cohort Companies With Crunchbase Info.xlsx'''
7/12/2018 -
*Created 'The File to Rule them All' with finalized info on accelerators, cohort companies, and founders.
*Attempted to match our company data to Crunchbase data with SQL to get more info on companies.
7/11/2018 -
*Worked on LinkedIn Founders data. Cleaned up data, removed duplicates, checked for fidelity.
*Worked with Maxine to finish Crunchbase matching.
7/10/2018 -

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