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===Spring 2018=== <onlyinclude> 2018-03-06:Troubleshot Key Terms program with Christy, continued to read articles.  2018-03-05: Tested the Key Terms program, found it not to be working. Troubleshot and alerted Christy. 2018-03-01: Started to read articles for key-terms testing.  2018-02-28: Adjusted some wiki pages, started testing the revamped tools.  2018-02-27: Drafted email with concerns to Ed, met with Ed to resolve concerns. Created action plan of testing the revamped tools and codifying a subset of known papers.  2018-02-26: Reviewed Christy's new documentation, prepared to meet with Ed.  2018-02-22: Tested RegEx-Excel Filter process, flagged some additional questions that need guidance from Ed. Met with Christy and worked to resolve coding issues.  2018-02-21: Finished RegEx-Excel Filter process, spoke with Ed about long-term goals of project. 2018-02-20: Continued working on the RegEx-Excel filter. 2018-02-19: Continued working on the RegEx-Excel filter. 2018-02-15: Started developing a RegEx and Excel filter for processing and cross-referencing sources.  2018-02-14: Identified the status of all codes. Drafted an email to Christy about retunring temporarily to help with the codes. 2018-02-13: Ran the KeyTerms and PDF Converter Python Codes. 2018-02-12: Finished troubleshooting crawler, reached out to Ed for guidance. Was redirected to testing Key Terms code. 2018-02-07: Troubleshot the crawler with Christy. 2018-02-06: Troubleshot the crawler with Christy. 2018-02-05: Reached out to Ed for guidance, was redirected to testing the scholar crawler.  2018-02-01: Continued PDF - BibTex filtering 2018-01-31: Started PDF - BibTex filtering process as per meetings with Christy and Lauren. 2018-01-30: Met with both Christy and Lauren.  2018-01-29: Reviewed the current state of PTLR project in order to prepare for meetings on Tuesday. 2018-01-26: Assisted with the McNair Center Event.  2018-01-25: Reached out to previous project owners to gather information for next steps. Was on standby to assist with the [[Lyceum Research Page]]  2018-01-24: Searched for tools to accomplish the strategies outlined in [[Patent Thicket Strategic Planning]]. Had a hard time locating anything, or getting a good grasp on where exactly the project is and what it needs. Gathered contact information for previous owners to make communications later this week. Also continued to prep the [[CategoryLyceum Research Page]] for Ed.  2018-01-23:Work LogFinished [[Patent Thicket Strategic Planning]]and sent to Ed. Ed approved.  2018-01-22: Read Patent Thicket literature. Met with Ed to discuss broad strategy, began planning for next steps. [[Patent Thicket Strategic Planning]] 2018-01-18: Met with Ed to discuss Patent Thicket Project. Helped complete his research for the Amazon HQ2 Report. 2018-01-11: Finalized sourcing for Venture Capital Gap for Women 2018-01-10: Sourced all of Venture Capital Gap for Women, downloaded PDF's for about 3/4 of sources 2018-01-09: Found additional sources on the Venture Capital Gap for Women, as well as Fondren availability for a portion of the sources. </onlyinclude> ===Fall 2017=== 2017-12-1: Matched additional files for the [[Estimating Unobserved Complementarities between Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists]] project 2017-11-30: Matched files for Ed, documented work on [[Estimating Unobserved Complementarities between Entrepreneurs and Venture Capitalists]] 2017-11-29:Compiled the [[Lyceum Research Page]], hunted for Ben's Accelerator data 2017-11-14: Created and started filling the [[Lyceum Research Page]]. 2017-11-13: Update work logs, worked to produce VC Firm table for Ed and Diane. Saved in \Projects\Houston\2017 VC Project\VC Data 2017-11-08: Generated the [[Dylan Dickens's Filter Method]] page.  2017-11-07: Conducted second lesson also demonstrating proper graph construction.  2017-11-06: Cleaned data in preparation for Pivot Table lesson with Anne. Conducted first lesson.  2017-1-01: Finalized work on artifacts for Ed. Sent in the requested graphs. ===Spring 2017=== 01/09/2017 - Drafted tweets that were on backlog from over break 01/11/2017 - Broke down and disposed of boxes, drafted tweets, worked on accelerator sheets 01/18/2017 - Drafted backlog tweets, worked on accelerator sheets 1/23/2017 - Started Report on Houston 1/30/2017 - Continued Report on Houston 2/01/2017 - Continued Report on Houston 2/06/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project 2/08/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project 2/13/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project, Worked on Houston report, fixed some Wiki security issues 2/15/2017 - Worked on Accenture Project 2/20/2017 - Googled M&A data for Accenture, finished up draft for Report on Houston, started SDC pulls for potential Market v non-market 2/22/2017 - Ran pulls for Market v NonMarket, helped develop methodology 2/27/2017 - Pulled for Market v NonMarket, cleaned data 3/1/2017 - Built potential artifacts for [[VC Report Houston 2017]] 3/6/2017 - Cleaned up and built a new artifacts for [[VC Report Houston 2017]] 3/8/2017 - Cleaned up and built a new artifacts for [[VC Report Houston 2017]] 3/20/2017 - Finalized Artifacts for [[VC Report Houston 2017]] 3/23/2017 - Attempted to find Count of Live Companies per Year 1986-2016 3/27/2017 - Edited Report on Houston 3/29/2017 - Edited Report on Houston 4/3/2017 - Built artifacts for Report on Houston Entrepreneurship Institutions and Report on VC in Houston 4/5/2017 - Set up "adobe" account 4/10/2017 - Finished Timeline Artifact, Started descriptive paragraphs 4/12/2017 - Continued Descriptive paragraphs 4/17/2017 - Finished Descriptive paragraphs 4/19/2017 - Tweaked artifacts for Issue Brief 5/2/2017 - Cleared backlogged tweets. Updated portfolios for Houston Institutions 5/3/2017 - Confirmed data for Houston Institutions 5/4/2017 - Started updating artifacts for Houston Institutions 5/5/2017 - Finished updating artifacts for Houston Institutions 5/8/2017 -Finalized artifacts for Houston Institutions. Began standardizing Houston Investment artifacts. Started updating services provided.  5/9/2017 - Produced artifacts for reports. 5/10/2017 - Last day, cranked out artifacts for all three reports.  ===Fall 2016=== 09/26/2016 - Tested various links on blog, readjusted layout, finalized and pushed out the 2/3 election series posts 09/27/2016 - Remotely sourced the 2016 blog post, made minor tweaks to the other two 10/03/2016 - Worked to fix semantics and usability for the SBDE project, as well as planning out some aspects of the overall concept. 10/04/2016 - Worked to finalize the Trump|Pence blog post with Ed 10/06/2016 - Worked to finalize the Clinton|Kaine blog post with Ed 10/07/2016 - Worked remotely to sign off on the three blog posts. 10/13/2016 - Continued to work on the [[Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project]] by finding and sourcing updated cohort lists. 10/17/2016 -Calculated new VC % for the [[Houston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project]] and updated the Immigration and Entrepreneurship Blog Post 10/20/2016 -Produced updated SBDE map on CARTO, edited CSV/HTML for map list. Continued to find updated Acquisition lists for the [[Work LogsHouston Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Project]]  10/24/2016 -Edited and sent in first draft of a [[Dylan Dickens Entrepreneurship as Foreign Policy (Work LogBlog Post)|]] to Anne, and started writing an outline for the [[Start-Up Guide (log Issue Brief)]] with Ben. 10/31/2016 -Happy Halloween! Fixed up the Semantic wiki pageand adjusted so all of my Blog Drafts are saved. Updated drafts for both [[Swedish Entrepreneurship (Blog Post)]]and [[Entrepreneurship as Foreign Policy (Blog Post)]]. Continued to write policy outline for [[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]] with Ben. 1/1/2016 -Continued to craft the Institution template. Could not get headers of IPO % functionality perfect, but got an image and general format. Continued to Flush out [[HHV's NextHIT]] subpage. Updated all wiki pages of blog posts to have functional google doc links. 11/3/2016 -Finished [[HHV's NextHIT]] subpage. Started SURGE. 11/7/2016 -Focused on Preparing blog posts, got What is Venture Capital, Innovation and the U.S. Military, and Business Dynamism out to peer editors 11/8/2016 - Edited Innovation and the U.S. Military, and Business Dynamism after peer, sent to Anne 11/10/2016 - Edited What is Venture Capital after peer, sent to Anne 11/14/2016 - Focused on [[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]], created subpages for [[SURGE]], [[Redhouse Associates]], [[OwlSpark]], [[TMCx]], [[RED Labs]] and [[HTC]]. 11/15/2016 - Was rerouted to Council of Economic Advisers project 11/17/2016 - Started [[Fannin Innovation Studio]] subpage, helped Ed with finding small business GDP data. 11/21/2016 - Searched for Small Business Data for Ed, located FDIC data. 11/22/2016 - Converted FDIC pulls into normalized Excel files for Ed 11/28/2016 - Finished producing "qualitative" text for the [[Start-Up Guide (Issue Brief)]], flushing out all subpages. Learned RegEx to start accelerator .txt files 11/29/2016 - Built accelerator .txt headers w/ Ed, made sheets for accelerators #381-#385 12/01/2016 - Made sheets for accelerators #385-#393 12/05/2016 - Continued to build accelerator sheets 12/08/2016 - Continued to build accelerator sheets 12/14/2016 - Edited blog posts, worked on ecosystem project 12/15/2016 - Input interview slots, drafted tweets, designed graphs 12/16/2016 - Drafted Tweets, cleaned wiki pages, on-call for graph design 12/19/2016 - Half-day, helped Anne adjust hiring procedures, printed CV's and Abstracts, helped find graphics for blog posts
===Summer 2016===
06/01/2016 15:48 - Set Up Work Log Pages
08/10/2016 05:00 -Worked on Houston Ecosystem spreadsheet, edited McNair Bio
09Added from main work log page: 9/23/2016 2:00-4:30 Introductory explanation/exploration, helped Catherine find source for Ed  9/26/2016 2:00- Tested various 4:00 Began research for blog post about largely unknown entrepreneurial hubs, checked links on McNair Center blog 9/27/2016 4:00-6:00 Set up personal and work log pages, readjusted layout, finalized and pushed out the 2/3 election series postsresearched for blog post
09/27/2016 - Remotely sourced the 2016 blog post, made minor tweaks to the other two[[Category:Work Log]]

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