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==Original Email==
Thank you for submitting a request for Research Access to Crunchbase through our API. We have reviewed your request, and granted you Basic Access. You can now access Crunchbase data in the following ways.
Check out the Open Data Map
Explore the 2013 Snapshot
Visit our website for instructions on accessing Crunchbase data. To access the REST API, you'll need your user key:
With Basic Access, API use is limited to the Open Data Map and 2013 Snapshot. Access to the full API and latest funding round data requires a license. To learn more check out our offerings.
==Basic Membership==
*Can not seem to filter results past the first 50 companies
*Very basic information such as company name, location, industry classification, website, and "Crunchbase ranking".
The data was retrieved by Shrey and Matthew - STATE HOW AND FROM WHEREthrough an application from the Crunchbase Website for the API service. The data took about a month to come in due to a lack of response from Crunchbase itself. Eventually, they gave us basic access.
The snapshot contained 2 .tar.qz files** , which were extracted into 181/crunchbase using the command
tar -zxvf file.tar.gz
The csv files (organizations.csv and people.csv) were copied for access to: E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Crunchbase Snapshot The files (size in bytes) and their contents are
*crunchbase_license.txt 487
==Changing MYSQL to PostgreSQL==
The SQL files were generated in MySQL. We need to convert them to PostgreSQL. See: and
The key changes are:
----- ----------
LOCK --comment out as no need but LOCK [ TABLE ] [ ONLY ] name [ * ] [, ...] [ IN lockmode MODE ] [ NOWAIT ]
UNLOCK --comment out
decimal(x,y) real (might work as is)
datetime timestamp
KEY --comment out as no need but FOREIGN KEY ( column_name [, ... ] ) REFERENCES reftable [ ( refcolumn [, ... ] ) ]
==Documentation and File Locations==
The Crunchbase information were broken down into two different files:
*The "organizations" Excel file contains: crunchbase_uuid type primary_role name crunchbase_url homepage_domain homepage_url profile_image_url facebook_url twitter_url linkedin_url stock_symbol location_city location_region location_country_code short_description
:* Located in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Crunchbase Snapshot
*The "people" Excel file contains: crunchbase_uuid type first_name last_name crunchbase_url profile_image_url facebook_url twitter_url linkedin_url location_city location_region location_country_code title organization organization_crunchbase_url
:* Located in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Crunchbase Snapshot
==Obtaining Accelerators from the "Organizations" file==
#Created new columns in the data labeled "match: blah", where blah is the word we're searching for in the descriptions
#Added: "=if(isnumber(search("blah",B2))=TRUE,1,0)", where blah is the substring (what you're searching for), B2 is the string (what your searching in) and 1 represents that it's present and 0 means it isn't.
#Added: "=sum(A1:C1) This just sums the cells from A1 to C1"
#Compiled a list of potential accelerators depending on the number of matches (the sum)
:# File is labeled "PotentialAccelerators" which just has the list of accelerators we were considering based on their match number; located in E:\McNair\Projects\Accelerators\Crunchbase Snapshot
==Appending Crunchbase Accelerators Information to Old Accelerator Data==
Matthew created a file called "Crunchbase Potential Accelerators", which repeats the names of all the accelerators in the Crunchbase folder, but includes a note as to whether the accelerator is already included in our data, or whether we need to add the file to our data before the semester ends.
*Adding the accelerator consists of adding the accelerator text file with basic information, the cohort html file, and most importantly, the cohort text file so we can calculate the VC raise rate


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